New international poster The Dark Knight movie with Joker in the lead: Why so serious?
The Dark Knight Trailer 2
The hi-res trailer will go online this Sunday at this Batman DARK KNIGHT viral site.
Hellboy II New Pic
A new photo of Ron Perlman as Hellboy II: The Golden Army coming to theaters on July 11.
Speed Racer 2008 Trailer 1
At last came the first trailer waited Speed Racer 2008 of The Wachowski Brothers.
Based on the classic series created by anime pioneer Tatsuo Yoshida, the live-action "Speed Racer" will showcase the kind of revolutionary visual effects and cutting-edge storytelling that have become the benchmarks of the Wachowski brothers' films.
Trailer (12.7.07):
QuickTime/Flash Player, Various
Berlin Press Conference (6.8.07):
QuickTime, Various
Behind-the-Scenes Clip (12.4.07):
Flash Player
Justin Marks Talks He-Man
Toyfare magazine chats with Justin marks about his vision for He-Man that will hopefully make it to the big screen.
Justin Marks talks about what he has planned for He-Man and Skeletor.
TOYFARE: How did you get involved with writing the He-Man script?
JUSTIN MARKS: He-Man came about as a result of a mutual collaboration with [co-screenwriter] Neil Ellice and the guys at Silver Pictures. We came together and married a take that we all really loved and that we felt would be true to Eternia for the first time. And we campaigned and pushed-everything short of getting on my hands and knees begging-for Mattel to hear it, and they did. We got in the room and we basically spoke through not only one movie, but three movies, all the way down through our dreams for the titles for the second and thrid movies and which characters appeared when.
Full Interview in
WATCHMEN with extra segment?
Second up, another extra is being filmed, this time an interview with the original Golden Age crime-fighter, Nite Owl (not Patrick Wilson's character; his predecessor), discussing his career and his team, The Minutemen. The interview was based on a book that the Owl had written, and was one of the many pieces of back story that Alan Moore created to craft a rich world for the graphic novel. So apparently, 'Under The Hood' - the title of the memoir - will be filmed, 60s style and will run for an hour. Presumably this will be for the DVD release.
Source Joblo
Filmefex worked on Hellboy II The Golden Army
"We have to prove ourselves on each film. The way it happens usually is that we get a smaller stake of the work and then when they feel we can handle it, they start giving us more. This was the case on 'Hellboy 2,' which we have now been working on since March." Say Ivan Poharnok Founder of the Budapest-based special effects company Filmefex
Filmefex, which has 10 permanent employees, collaborated with three other FX shops on "Hellboy 2": U.S. company Spectral Motion and two London-based companies, Creature Effects and Solution Studios.
Report by Variety
New Incredible Hulk Pic!
We found a new image of the film director Louis Leterrier's The Incredible Hulk, opening June 13.
Source: Superherohype
Batman Dark Knight takes flight
And too here
Justice League of America feature Superman, Batman, the Flash, Aquaman and Wonder Woman
The potential deal marks the first piece of casting to emerge from the DC Comics-based ensemble project, which is expected to feature Superman, Batman, the Flash and Aquaman in addition to Wonder Woman.
George Miller (Happy Feet) will direct the big screen adaptation. Kieran and Michele Mulroney wrote the script.
Source: Superherohype
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Zack Snyder speaks on WATCHMEN
It's still another year and a half, before the big-screen adaptation of the seminal graphic novel WATCHMEN finally arrives in theaters, but director Zack Snyder is already hard at work and shooting the exploits of Rorschach, Nite Owl and company.
Snyder took a moment to give fans an unshaven greeting from the set, just checking in and promising to feed us morsels as the production rolls forward. Considering the online presence during the filming of 300, I believe him. Check out what he has to say.
Source_ Joblo
George Miller direct JUSTICE LEAGUE movie
Warner Bros. is moving aggressively ahead with the bigscreen adaptation of DC Comics' "Justice League of America," with George Miller aboard to direct.
Project, which is in the initial phases of casting, is a pre-strike priority for the studio, which needs a superhero tentpole for 2009.
Still, making all the pieces fit has been complicated by overlapping superhero projects in the pipeline, since "Justice League" features a pantheon of superheroes including Superman and Batman.
Michael Bay to Jump Ship From Transformers 2 for a Pre-Strike Movie?
‘Transformers 2′, well that’s another story. Iching [sic] to work pre-strike (June) so I might jump ship and come back a year or so later cause people at the studio have been dragging for two months. Not sure why. I’ll keep you informed.”
I wonder if this film will be the Disney adaptation of Prince of Persia (which was listed on the pre-strike memo) or 2012: The War for Souls. Bay has also just screened the final IMAX cut of Transformers:
“But I just saw the first IMAX print of ‘Transformers’. Not depressing - freakin AWESOME! They need to bottle the magic of IMAX because it’s the future of cinema. It comes out next Friday the 21st. I added some extra scenes.”Source: Slashfilm
Transformers poster IMAX re-release
Paramount Pictures has provided this new poster for the September 21 re-release of Transformers in IMAX theaters.
Source: Superherohype
Iron Man Video Game Concept Art
First two pieces of Iron Man video game concept art, courtesy of the mad geniuses at Sega!.
Batman TDK shoot in Chicago
TDK shoot in Chicago around August 29, 2007 by Batman-on-film
Iron Man Trailer
Un trailer muy descriptivo sobre como será Iron Man la Pelicula, con escenas claves y otras que estan demás.
Robotech in the big screen
"We are very excited to bring 'Robotech' to the big screen," Maguire said. "There is a rich mythology that will be a great foundation for a sophisticated, smart and entertaining film."
Drew Crevello also is producing through his Supercool Hollywood BigTime Prods. Craig Zahler ("The Brigands of Rattleborge") has been tapped to write the screenplay.
"Robotech" was a cartoon series during the 1980s from Harmony Gold USA and Tatsunoko Prods. It was re-edited and re-dialogued to combine three Japanese anime series to give the producers enough episodes to air as a daily syndicated series.
A sprawling sci-fi epic, "Robotech" takes place at a time when Earth has developed giant robots from the technology on an alien spacecraft that crashed on a South Pacific isle. Mankind is forced to use the technology to fend off three successive waves of alien invasions. The first invasion concerns a battle with a race of giant warriors who seek to retrieve their flagship's energy source known as "protoculture," and the planet's survival ends up in the hands of two young pilots.
Frank Agrama of rights-holder Harmony Gold will exec produce; Jason Netter will serve in a producer capacity.
Matthew Reilly brought the project to Warners and is overseeing. Daniel Shafer brought the project to Maguire and will shepherd for the company.
The success of DreamWorks/Paramount's $311 million-grossing "Transformers" has other studios looking to assemble a giant robot movie of their own. Last month, Regency picked up 1980s Japanese anime series "Voltron," with Mark Gordon attached to produce. Ironically, Warners had the first giant robot movie back in 1999: Brad Bird's animated feature "The Iron Giant."
Maguire is repped by CAA, Management 360 and attorney Steve Warren. Zahler is repped by UTA and attorney P.J. Shapiro.
Source Hollywood reporter
Warner ha tomado los derechospara llevar el clásico anime “Robotech” basado en grandes robots gigantes conocidas como mechas, a la pantalla grande. Toby Maguire el conocido Spiderman está a cargo a través de su Productora Maguire Entertainment de los roles en los planes del estudio.
“Hay una mitología rica que será una gran base para una película sofisticada, elegante y entretenida.” dijo la estrella del Hombre Araña.
Bruce Wayne’s Lamborghini
Bruce Wayne’s Lamborghini being spotted kitted up and driving around
Video film the Lamborghini Murcielago driven by Christian Bale in the upcoming Batman Begins sequel, The Dark Knight. Just a brief test run down Lake Street on Chicago's west side before several dozen vehicles were added to the scene.
Batman 3 date of opening
Batman 3 es una realidad Lo poco que se había rumoreado hasta el momento es que el título podía ser Shadow of the Bat, y que podría estrenarse para el 2011. Según las últimas noticias, la película se estrenará antes de esa fecha, y además se rumorean los posibles villanos. Los villanos que se comentan son Dos Caras, al que parece que veremos en 'The Dark Knight'. En segundo lugar, estaría también El Joker, que a pesar de ser el villano principal de la segunda parte, también aparecerá como villano secundario en la tercera. Esto implica que ‘The Dark Knight’ podría no tener un final cerrado.
Source: Fantasymundo
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20th Century Fox studio shoot Dragon Ball Z ?

Dragonball Z is adapted from the manga created by Akira Toriyama; the work was also turned into a Japanese anime series that played all over the world. It tells the story of an alien sent to destroy Earth, who has a change of heart and decides to join the humans in their fight against various aliens and bad guys.
There are no details yet as to when these three shoots will begin, but they are expected to wrap production by next July.
Source: The Gazette
Teaser Trailer IRON MAN 10 september
Jon Favreau says:
A hi-res version will appear on on 9/11 for those of you who, for whatever reason, choose not to TiVo The Hills.
Comedy Central: The Daily Show 10-Sep
MTV: The Hills 10-Sep (the break leading into the show)
Spike TV : CSI 11-Sep
VH1: The Rock Life 10-Sep
BET: Baldwin Hills 11-Sep
CMT : Trick My Truck 10-Sep
Logo : Rick & Steve 11-Sep
MTV2: Room 401 10-Sep
NAN : Fresh Prince 10-Sep
The N: Fresh Prince 11-Sep
TV Land: Andy Griffith 11-Sep
My space Jon Favreau
Batman Dark Knight Teaser in Yahoo Movies
Yahoo! Movies has posted The Dark Knight teaser trailer in High Definition QuickTime and Flash formats. If you want a much-better quality version of the clip, you can now get it at the link.
Building Blown up for Batman Movie
Film crews working in Chicago blew up a building today as part of a scene for the movie "The Dark Knight" - the latest in series of Batman movies. It's set to be released in the middle of next year. Production has been going on in Chicago for the last few months, with several large stunts taking place, but this one is by far the biggest. That's saying quite a bit - since one of the stunts involved flipping over a semi-trailer!
Source: MyFoxChicago
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The Wachowski's Speed Racer Using Revolutionary Full Focus Cameras
Supposedly they were going to make the entire frame always in focus… like a cartoon. I had heard that the reason for the long filming process was not due to the extensive blue screen work.
Susan Sarandon says: They’re using some high def thing that comes with guards and it’s beyond anything I’ve ever…. I saw 10 minutes before I left, they did a special thing for me cause they’re just wrapping and having a party tonight, they were still working after I left. They’re doing something where they’re layering film so that the front and the back are in focus like a cartoon and they’re also doing two dimensional and three dimensional stuff and mixing and everything is very, very saturated with some new kind of film, so they actually have to treat the actors in some way so we can hold our own with the background. So it’s every color that wasn’t in The Matrix is seriously in this film.
Los Hnos. Wachowski introducen una nueva técnica de cámara en Speed Racer según la fuente Susan Sarandon: "Están haciendo algo donde están acomodando la película de modo que el frente y la parte posterior estén en foco como en una historieta y también estan haciendo de dos dimensiones la materia tridimensional y al mezclarse y todo esté muy, muy saturado como una nueva clase de película, así que tienen que tratar especialmente a a los actores para que podamos sostenernos con el fondo.
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Batman Dark Knight videos
The Dark Knight Video of Joker's Semi Flip
Batman The Dark Knight Bat Pod Footage
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Title of Punisher II revealed
Punisher será ‘Punisher: War Zone’. Aunque aun no se ha anunciado la fecha de estreno de la película, la cual dirigirá Lexi Alexander, los estudios la enlistan como "coming soon" (muy pronto), etiqueta que se les da las películas que se piensan estrenar en un periodo no mayor de un año generalmente.

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Agatha Christie in comic
A las historias de esta escritora inglesa, nacida en el condado de Devon en 1890, muchas veces se las asocia hoy por hoy a las películas sepia de Hércules Poirot -su excéntrico detective belga- que pasan por televisión los domingos por la tarde.
Han sido llevadas al teatro, a los videojuegos, a la pantalla grande y a la chica. Y ahora ingresarán al mundo del cómic.

Photo Sets Batman Dark Knight

Who is Anthony Michael Hall portraying in The Dark Knight movie?
Hall’s character is an investigative reporter for the GCN, which was photographed on Aug. 19. The scene shot that day, which is about three-fourths of the way into the film, goes like so.
Hall’s character is intensely jealous of Bruce Wayne. He even has an exactly matching Lamborghini Murcielago.
Christian Bale confirmed third part of Batman
El actor Christian Bale confirmó que de hecho sí habrá una tercera película de Batman. Esta completaría una trilogía que empezó en el 2005 con el estreno de 'Batman Begins' y que continúa con 'The Dark Knight'. Si todo va según lo programado, la tercera película de Batman se estrenaría en el verano del 2010.
Source LaCuria
Jenna Jameson in comic
Virgin Comics and will present Shadow Hunter, a new Virgin Comics series created by adult entertainment actress Jenna Jameson and written by Christina Z.
"As a long time admirer of Christina's work, we are thrilled to be working with her," said Virgin CEO Sharad Devarajan.
"She's the perfect fit for this unconventional project that will certainly challenge the female superhero genre".
The new series will follow a woman who survives a brush with death, then returns to life only to find herself fighting the 'legions of hell on earth'.
"Since the moment we announced our collaboration with Jenna Jameson, we've received all sorts of feedback," said Gotham Chopra, chief creative officer of Virgin.
Jenna Jameson debuta como guionista y protagonista de un cómic titulado Shadow Hunter, publicado por Virgin Comics, el comic esta dirigido a todo público, para variar.
Source: Hollywood North Report
Mendes Joins Frank Miller's Spirit
Mendes joins Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson and Gabriel Macht in the fantasy thriller about a rookie cop (Macht) who returns from the dead to fight crime as the Spirit from the shadows of Central City.
Sand Saref is described as the only woman who could break the Spirit's heart. As teenage lovers, the two were torn apart when Sand's father was accidentally killed by the Spirit's uncle.
Spirit comenzará a rodarse este octubre en los Estudios Albuquerque de Nuevo México. Atención a los nombres: Gabriel Macht, Scarlett Johansson, Eva Mendes y Samuel L. Jackson…
Patrick Leahy in Batman Dark Knight
El parlamentario demócrata Patrick Leahy es un fanático del hombre murciélago y ya ha participado en dos películas anteriores de la saga.
El parlamentario, quien se ha declarado un antiguo fanático del hombre murciélago no quiso decir nada acerca de su papel, aparte de que lo llaman el "caballero distinguido".
"Es una escena bastante tensa", dijo Leahy, quien preside el Comité Judicial de la Cámara Alta. "Será muy interesante", sostuvo el político que ha sido la voz de varios personajes en caricaturas animadas de Batman e incluso escribió el prólogo de un libro de Batman.
Además, Leahy ha realizado papeles breves en las últimas dos películas. SObre sus ganancias por participar en la película, aseguró que las donará a la biblioteca de literatura infantil Kellogg-Hubbard de Montelier, Vermont, la primera de la cual sacaba libros cuando era niño.
El estreno de "The Dark Knight", secuela de "Batman Begins", protagonizada también por Bale, está previsto para mediados del año próximo.
Batman Dark Knight set´s Galleries
Extracted images of the clips of the Wizard World de Chicago, that still do not happen through the post-production stage.
Imagenes estraidas del metraje de la Wizard World de Chicago, que todavía no pasan por la etapa de posproducción.
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