Toyfare magazine chats with Justin marks about his vision for He-Man that will hopefully make it to the big screen.
Justin Marks talks about what he has planned for He-Man and Skeletor.
TOYFARE: How did you get involved with writing the He-Man script?
JUSTIN MARKS: He-Man came about as a result of a mutual collaboration with [co-screenwriter] Neil Ellice and the guys at Silver Pictures. We came together and married a take that we all really loved and that we felt would be true to Eternia for the first time. And we campaigned and pushed-everything short of getting on my hands and knees begging-for Mattel to hear it, and they did. We got in the room and we basically spoke through not only one movie, but three movies, all the way down through our dreams for the titles for the second and thrid movies and which characters appeared when.
Full Interview in IESB.net